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BEBIG Medical GmbH

BEBIG Medical GmbH

Deine Karriere bei BEBIG Medical

BEBIG Medical GmbH is a global provider of radiation therapy products dedicated to cancer treatment with 40 years experience in the field and a track record of proven clinical outcomes through robust and innovative technology.

Specializing in the research and development, manufacturing, and worldwide distribution of radiation therapy medical devices, BEBIG Medical provides comprehensive product portfolio with linear accelerator, high-dose-rate brachytherapy, X-ray therapy products, and intraoperative radiation therapy devices.

BEBIG Medical boasts a substantial presence with over 700 active installation bases across more than 80 countries and regions, facilitated by a network of over 70 global distributors. With strategically positioned offices and a team of seasoned professionals in Europe, United States, and Asia, the company aims to deliver affordable healthcare solutions to everyone in the world.

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BEBIG Medical GmbH
Robert-Rössle-Str. 10
13125 Berlin
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