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Cevec Pharmaceuticals GmbH

Cevec Pharmaceuticals GmbH

Deine Karriere bei Cevec Pharmaceuticals

CEVEC is a leading provider of high-performance cell technology for the manufacturing of advanced bio-therapeutics from R&D to manufacturing scale. The company’s product portfolio comprises various platform technologies for gene therapy vectors, vector vaccines and complex recombinant proteins.
In the viral vector space, ELEVECTA™ is the technology of choice for AAV manufacturing. For RCA-free Adenoviral vectors,  the CAP™ Ad Technology is the perfect fit. CAP™ Go is the solution to enable the production of complex and highly glycosylated recombinant proteins.

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Cevec Pharmaceuticals GmbH
Gottfried-Hagen-Straße 60
51105 Köln
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