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Ibeo Automotive Systems GmbH

Ibeo Automotive Systems GmbH

Deine Karriere bei Ibeo Automotive Systems

Ibeo Automotive Systems GmbH is a worldwide technology leader in the field of lidar sensors (acronym for Light Detection and Ranging), associated products, and software tools. The technology is applied in cars as safety assistance systems, or in the field of autonomous driving. It is Ibeo’s goal to reinvent mobility by enabling cars to become cooperative partners in the driving process, thus making transportation safer.  

Ibeo employs more than 400 people at its locations in Hamburg (Germany), Eindhoven (Netherlands) and Detroit (USA) and is about to establish a subsidiary in China. Since 2016, the automotive supplier ZF Friedrichshafen AG has been a shareholder of Ibeo: initially via Zukunft Ventures GmbH, and since 2019 via ZF Automotive Germany GmbH, a wholly owned subsidiary of ZF. Ibeo celebrated its 20th anniversary in 2018. In July 2020, Ibeo became the world’s first series supplier for solid-state lidar for China’s largest SUV and pickup truck manufacturer Great Wall Motor Company.In 2021, AAC Technologies Pte. Ltd. became a shareholder of Ibeo.

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Ibeo Automotive Systems GmbH
Merkurring 60-62
22143 Hamburg
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