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Kienbaum Consultants International GmbH

Kienbaum Consultants International GmbH

Deine Karriere bei Kienbaum Consultants International

We are a progress company – for people, organisations and the future. And this is what we excel at: bringing potential to life. Creating the perfect match between individuals and companies and bringing today’s capabilities in tune with the demands of tomorrow. No one can do this the way we can. We are a unique combination of leadership advisory and management consulting. We scrutinise and improve skills, workflows and structures, to lead people and corporates to a higher level and build a sustainable future perspective. It’s our DNA – since Gerhard Kienbaum founded the company more than 75 years ago as the first consulting firm in Germany.

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Kienbaum Consultants International GmbH
Edmund-Rumpler-Straße 5,
51149 Köln
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