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Microvast GmbH

Microvast GmbH

Deine Karriere bei Microvast

Founded in 2006, Microvast is a technology leader that designs, develops and manufactures Li-ion batteries and materials. The company is renowned for its cutting-edge cell technology and its vertical integration capabilities which extends from core battery chemistry (cathode, anode, electrolyte, and separator) to battery packs. By integrating the process from raw material to system assembly, Microvast has developed a family of products covering a broad breadth of market applications. Microvast’s batteries are integrated in more than 30,000 vehicles, running in 160 cities across 19 countries, and have traveled over 3.8 billion miles.

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Microvast GmbH
An der Eichspitze 8
14974 Ludwigsfelde
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