Jobs für Ingenieure, Informatiker, Mediziner & Naturwissenschaftler

MP Biomedicals Germany GmbH

MP Biomedicals Germany GmbH

Deine Karriere bei MP Biomedicals Germany

MP Biomedicals is dedicated to giving scientists and researchers innovative, quality tools and superior service to aid them in their quest for ground-breaking discovery and turning the hope for life-changing solutions into a reality.
The company manufactures and sells more than 55,000 products and is one of the only companies in the industry to offer a comprehensive line of life science, fine chemical and diagnostic products.
MP Biomedicals is a world-wide corporation, with its headquarters located in Irvine, California and satellite offices in Europe, Asia and Australia. We also maintain a vast network of global distributors, including our distribution centers in Solon, Ohio and Burlingame, California.
No matter how dynamic the evolution of the life science and biotechnology markets, we remain committed to supporting our customers in their efforts to make new discoveries. From basic research, through scale-up, to full-scale production and diagnostic testing, MP Biomedicals serves every industry need – from specialized areas of research to supplying large scale quantities of fine chemicals.
Our customers partner with us because they want a long-time player and reliable colleague in the fields of life science research and diagnostics. MP Biomedicals will never rest in our odyssey to remain at the forefront of discovery in the ever-changing biomedical industry.

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MP Biomedicals Germany GmbH
Thüringer Straße 15
37269 Eschwege
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