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ITM Isotope Technologies Munich SE

Deine Karriere bei ITM Isotope Technologies Munich

ITM is a privately owned biotechnology and radiopharmaceutical group of companies dedicated to the development, production and global supply of targeted diagnostic and therapeutic radiopharmaceuticals and radioisotopes for use in cancer treatment. We are developing a proprietary portfolio and growing pipeline of targeted treatments in various stages of clinical development addressing cancers such as neuroendocrine cancers or bone metastases. Our main objectives are to significantly improve treatment outcomes and quality of life for cancer patients through a new generation of Targeted Radionuclide Therapies in Precision Oncology. The headquarters are located in the heart of the research center of the Technical University of Munich (TUM).

Bewerbung & Berufseinstieg bei ITM Isotope Technologies Munich


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Firmendaten zu ITM Isotope Technologies Munich


ITM Isotope Technologies Munich SE
Lichtenbergstrasse 1
85748 Garching bei München
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